Charalambos Vrasidas
Executive Director, CARDET
Dr. Vrasidas is the founder and Executive Director of CARDET, an international non-profit organization based in Cyprus with partners from around the world. An innovator, lifelong learner and social entrepreneur, has more than 25 years of global experience in research, development, social justice, policy, migration, social innovation, education and e-learning. He has designed and implemented more than 200 projects in more than 30 countries. He is a Professor of Learning Innovations & Policy and the Associate Dean for e-learning at the University of Nicosia. He is the Editor-in-Chief for the scholarly journal Educational Media International.

Deborah Youdell
PrOFESSOR, University of Birmingham, UK
Deborah’s work explores her longstanding concern with how inequalities are connected to subjectivities, everyday practices, pedagogy, institutional processes and policy. Deborah’s research has spanned issues of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, social class, ability and disability and has been underpinned by engagements with post-structural thinking about power, the subject, space, and the political. Her most recent work is at the forefront of the developing field of biosocial education, which brings emerging knowledge in the new biological sciences together with sociological accounts of schooling and student subjectivities to generate new insights into learning and the learner. She is the founder of the Biosocial Research Network and her new book, Biosocial Education, co-authored with molecular biologist Martin R. Lindley was published in August 2018 by Routledge.

Soula Ioannou
Coordinating Committee of Health Education and Citizenship, Ministry of Education and Culture
Dr. Soula Ioannou is in the Coordinating Committee of Health Education and Citizenship at the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, where she supports several school health-related projects. She holds an Med in Physical Education (1994, University of Manchester), MA in Health Education/Health Promotion (1996, Institute of Education, University of London) and a PhD in Health Promotion (2002, Institute of Education, University of London). Her research interests and publications are related to issues concerning the youth, health-related behaviours and school projects. She has been appointed by the Minister of Education to develop the Health Education Curriculum for the Educational Reform Program of Cyprus (2010). She is a member of the National Committees of Smoking and Aids and the Cyprus National Addictions Authority.

Valentina Stinga
Associate Professor, member of the didactic staff of the Faculty of Theology, Letters, History and Arts, University of Pitesti; Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Letters, History and Arts (2012 – present),
Doctor in Philology (English, Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Bucharest, Romania)
Didactic activity: conducting courses in English language and literature, British and American Culture and Civilisation, Computer-assisted translation, Didactics of English as a foreign language
Relevant experience in the field of European-funded projects (of the type: Erasmus+, Erasmus, European Structural Funds) both as a local coordinator (Implementing the CLIL-VET model into vocational schools (CLIL for VET), Project number: 2017-1-PL01-KA202-038309) and as a member of the project team (Lifelong Readers 2.0, Project number: 2015-1-IE01-KA201_008625; Identity and Diversity in Picture Book Collections, Project number: 2015-1-LT01-KA201-013492; COMMIX, Project number: 2016-1-BG01-KA201-023657; An Innovative Toolkit for Inclusive Decision Making Policies, Project number: 562184-EPP- 1-2015- 1-CY- EPPKA3-PI- FORWARD; Combat Bullying: A Whole School Program, Project Number: JUST/2014/RDAP/AG/BULL/7698)